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3 False myths about digital transformation for SMEs

Elizabeth De Leon

Digital transformation for large and small companies is no longer a choice, in 2022 it has become a necessity. Let's look specifically at what it is.

The digital transformation

Digital transformation involves the use of technologies to create new business, cultural and customer experience processes to meet the needs of today's market.

In particular, in digital marketing it refers to the transition from the mere use of digital tools to their optimization for digital channels in order to achieve specific business objectives. More specifically, it represents the creation of new paradigms and the implementation of business strategies to obtain more information and leverage it to increase the customer experience.

What is the point of transforming your business?

Digital transformation is necessary to continue improving the growth of your company, to maintain a presence in the market and obtain valid results.

If you are reluctant to change, you risk being left behind in an ever-changing digital world. It is also essential to keep up with the latest market trends and experiment with new business practices, only in this way will you be able to keep your brand up to date with the times of the digital age.

The key points of the digitalization of companies are profitability, customer satisfaction and increased competitiveness. Other benefits are:

  • increase collaboration between different departments
  • increase process efficiency
  • provide better service
  • optimize business processes

By continually updating your company and paying attention to new digital trends and adapting them to your business, you can bring your brand to the forefront.

3 myths to dispel about digital transformation for SMEs:

It is generally believed that digital transformation is necessary or possible only for large companies, but in reality it is a process that does not exclude anyone.

Digitalization is an enormous resource that SMEs can and must exploit to maximize their growth and increase their competitiveness in the market. Having a strong online presence and digital marketing plan will give your business an advantage.

Here are the 3 main myths to dispel about the digital transformation of SMEs.

1. Digital transformation is too long a process

The digitization process may seem too long for a company that needs immediate results but in reality it is not. Digitization can be done in small steps. In fact, adopting a step-by-step strategy allows you to better measure the progress of the process by studying the results to understand its effectiveness and possibly change the strategy to obtain the desired results more effectively.

Digital transformation is a constantly evolving process and needs adjustments during its development. Carrying out a successful transformation requires an analysis of the correct insights, companies seek to do so without increasing their chances of losing the established goal.

2. Digital transformation is too complicated a process

The reality is that the companies most facilitated in the digitalization process should be precisely those of small and medium size, because they have the appropriate size to make radical decisions and adapt to the best of new technologies.

Regarding adaptation to new technologies, we must remember that digital transformation is linked to it, but not only. The real change must be in the purpose, strategy and structure to meet the demands of customers, as well as those of partners and employees.

 3. Digital transformation will happen of course

The third myth that should be called attention is completely opposite to the previous two, but it is equally popular. In fact, many believe that digital transformation can occur naturally without the need for effort. In reality, as mentioned in the previous chapters, it is a process that requires perseverance, determination and planning.

If you want your company to be updated and competitive in the market, you need a strategy that exploits and enhances the strengths of your business. Building a digital transformation strategy by not fully understanding which tools best suit your business creates the risk of falling behind the competition.

Creating and managing an SME in this digital age as was done in the past is no longer sustainable. Thinking, planning and building digitally makes your business agile, flexible and ready to grow efficiently.

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