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Tips to achieve virality on social networks


Making appropriate use of social networks, being constant in publishing content and interacting with users, can be a good way to achieve virality and, consequently, greater profit in your business.

Here are some tips to achieve this.

1.- Identify the objectives

First of all, we must identify what objectives we want to define and, once we have done so, create a strategy tailored to them to obtain visits from the public that interests you.

2.- Transmit trust

You must convey confidence and be clear about what is offered, in this way we will earn the respect of visitors, thus increasing the probability that they will be interested in what we offer.

It is important reply to all comments and as soon as possible. In this way, we generate feedback with followers and we can discover what type of content may interest them most. We will also get good things to say about us and on social networks word of mouth is very important.

The priority is not to get the greatest number of fans on Facebook or Twitter, but to find people who may be interested in what we offer on our website and identify their interests so that they are similar to us.
After all, all users search for what they want and reject what does not interest them.

3.- Take smartphones into account

Currently, it is essential that the entries and/or publications on your website can be seen on mobile phones so that users can share them.
Smartphones currently represent 15% of all Internet traffic and the percentage is increasing.

Therefore, check that your content can be viewed on them.

4.- Do not publish content that you would be embarrassed to share

No matter how interesting they are, depending on which posts they can make users embarrassed when it comes to sharing and/or commenting on them. People often share content on Facebook that they are proud of.

Therefore, you have to create content that you yourself would like to share and of which you feel proud. After all, if you wouldn't share it, why would anyone else?

5.- Monitoring of results

You have to measure the results to know which articles or content are working best, the origin of the views, the "Likes" on Facebook, Retweets, most visited and commented articles and many other points that the statistics show.
In this way, we can control the results to know which campaigns or entries work and which do not.

In summary, we must Identify and understand what users need to offer something that suits your needs.

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