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Search Engine Optimization / SEO

Marcos Guerrero

Search engine optimization or SEO refers to all measures that are appropriate to improve the positioning of a website in the organic search results of search engines and, consequently, increase traffic.

The most important thing about this marketing strategy lies on the one hand in the high value of search engine traffic due to the proximity to the campaign. On the other hand, SEO is the only marketing strategy that can continue generating traffic for a long time without investing more in it.


Domains – Name choice, SEO and the biggest mistakes

Find out how you can gain visibility in the website jungle with a valuable domain and how users can find you.

Important factors of search engine optimization consist of creating or improving relevant and unique content, using appropriate keywords, title tags or meta descriptions, and internal links within the website. In particular, links from other sites that lead to yours are extremely important for good SEO.

Google, as the main search engine, attempts to evaluate websites using an algorithm based on the standards of a human reader, as well as their ranking.

Therefore, search engine optimization can generate very cheap and very profitable traffic. However, today the competition is strong enough and search engine demands for high-quality content mean that SEO is becoming more expensive and less profitable.

With the rapid growth of searches on different devices such as mobile, the approach to SEO must change, or at least adapt. Furthermore, it should be emphasized that optimization should not be carried out once, but on a continuous and recurring basis, for not only temporary improvement in search engines, but also a long-term strategy.

The two main topics in SEO are on-page SEO and off-page SEO. Content marketing has become a related discipline from Google's approach; unique content full of value.

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