93 318 54 36
.com, .net, .org

25.- €

* Approximate price

.com, .net, .org

Give more personality to your website with your domain. Your business starts here.

Like the. is, the domain extension. Com.es is territorial and is aimed at Spanish companies, entities or people, pages in Spanish or related to Spanish culture. Why choose a .com.es domain: .es is the ideal extension for those who want to protect their name or brand in Spain. Rules for registering a .com.es domain: Links with Spain, number of characters: 2-63 extension excluded, accepted characters: [a – z], [0- 9], and [-] However, the [-] It cannot be the first or last character of the domain name, the domain name cannot begin with xn--. Mark the market your website is intended for. Also called geographic domains, territorial extensions indicate the country or region of each website. They are used by companies to protect the identity of their brand in a specific country, as well as to be closer to consumers in the country they are going to target. Furthermore, registering the domain of the country in which you want to do business (in the case of Spain, for example, yourcompany.es), makes your website better positioned in the search engines of that country. If you currently manage your domains with another provider, you can move them to IndianWebs to enjoy the management benefits we offer. You only need to have control as the domain administrator and have access to the administration contact's email.