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Most famous social networks in the world: here is the list

Elizabeth De Leon

They are everywhere, we cannot do without them... and there are many!
Obviously, we are talking about social networks, tools for connecting and sharing globally that have now become part of our daily lives.

Social networks are platforms aimed at people that have already conquered about 3.800 billion people, with an increase of 9,2% from 2019 to 2022.

Social media has revolutionized the way people communicate, made sharing information easy and intuitive, and developed particular features to stand out among the many competitors.

That's right, there are many social networks, more than you imagine, and every year new ones appear like mushrooms. The need for online aggregation has practically become a primary need, and each platform seeks to expand its subscriber base by positioning itself as “the new one that advances” or offering more innovative functionalities than those that preceded it.


Facebook It is the social network par excellence and one of the most used in the world (it has at least 2.500 billion monthly active users!).

It is aimed at a general audience and uses intuitive sharing of text posts, images and videos as its strong point.

The platform is used by both individuals and companies with specific professional profiles, both to communicate with others and to promote themselves.

Users can meet in thematic groups around certain topics to share opinions and content around their passions.

The platform offers numerous options to try to capture the public's attention as much as possible. In fact, we can create graphically evident publications from our profile, questionnaires for our followers to interact, videos, images, as well as the possibility of sponsoring paid publications to make them more evident.


LinkedIn It is a “social work network” and members use it to demonstrate skills and quality of work. It has at least 303 million active users.

The platform acts as a virtual place to communicate the supply and demand of work. Professionals can relate their work experiences and get in touch with other subjects, based on more or less wide circles of connections.

The Linkedin profile is a kind of digital resume made up of work experiences, job examples, skills and references.

Also in this case we can follow company profiles and subscribe to thematic groups. There are paid membership plans for services like Premium Sales Navigator and Premium Career.


TikTok was born as a platform to share short music videos.

It proves to be one of the most popular social networks of the moment: it ranks seventh among the mobile applications with the most monthly active users, and already has 500 million users.

Simply download the appropriate app available for ios and Android and create an account with your email. TikTok allows you to upload 15-second music videos, change their speed, and add filters. Unfortunately, the lack of a clear definition of the privacy policy makes it a platform that is discussed and not appreciated by everyone.


Instagram is a visual social network that allows you to share images and videos and edit photos using special filters. It is a very widespread platform, which already has one billion users.

Originally born as an independent application, it later became part of the set of Facebook-related applications.

We can add a caption to the images that contains up to 2.000 characters and up to 30 hashtags (a term that includes content related to the same topic).

In recent years, Stories have also been available, content that disappears after 24 hours and that can be highlighted and divided into categories.

Posts on Instagram can also be sponsored to increase their visibility.


Twitter is a microblogging platform that allows you to share (tweet) messages up to 280 characters in length, including images, videos or links. Users can also share what others have posted (retweet).

Compared to other platforms, it aims more at offering flash updates on one's thoughts and activities. It is used, for example, by public figures, influencers and politicians to update their audience, as well as companies to share flash deals and current news. It has at least 326 million active users.


Pinterest is a platform for sharing images, photos and videos, which can be organized like a real virtual whiteboard. In fact, we can pin the images that interest us with symbolic pins, even those that come from other boards.

Compared to other visual platforms like Instagram, it focuses more on wanting to convey inspiration and is used by creatives and fans of a certain topic to find new ideas.

From a promotional point of view, pins have the advantage of being linked to the websites the content comes from, so clicking on them redirects users to the original source. Business accounts offer Analytics features and sponsored content.
It has at least 250 million active users.


Youtube It is a real social network, sharing platform and video search engine, second only to Google in importance. Users can upload their own videos and view others' videos, share them, embed them on websites, leave a Like or Dislike depending on whether they liked the content or not.
It also proves to be a useful promotional platform for business purposes. allowing you to produce targeted ads based on gender, age and preferences.

Users can subscribe to a paid service to watch videos without ad breaks and access additional services such as YouTube music streaming.


Twitch stands as a YouTube competitor dedicated to the world of online gaming.

It is a streaming platform that allows gamers to stream their games online as well as host live shows on various topics such as music, entertainment, and current affairs.

Users can subscribe to channels they watched and comment on live shows.

The Prime Gaming service offers additional features such as the availability of exclusive chats and increased participation in streaming activities.


Reddit It is a social news network in which users can aggregate by subject areas, publish images, texts and videos on various topics. Users can comment and rate others' content, create new discussions in specific subcategories, called "sub-reddit."


Tumblr is a microblogging platform that allows you to publish textual and visual content as if we were in the presence of a blog space. The registered user can publish texts, music, images, videos, which once online can be shared by others.


Whatsapp It is undoubtedly the most used messaging application in the world, with 1.000 billion and 500 million users.


WeChat In China it is what Facebook is for the rest of the world: it has more than one billion and 100 million users! WeChat is a messaging and social media app that allows you to call your friends, read the news, play games, and take advantage of paid features.


Snapchat It is a platform that cannot boast record numbers (287 million users) but that has undoubted roots among young people.

This app allows you to send text, images and videos that can only be viewed for 24 hours.

What are your favorite social networks? Let's talk about it next!

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