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100 programs dedicated to web 2.0


The La 2 program, Open Camera 2.0 This Tuesday it completed one hundred broadcasts, with the current times the figure cannot be considered trivial. The space was born as a program in which the viewer stopped being passive and could communicate through blogs and citizen journalism tools.

During this time, programs have been dedicated to teachers bloggers, journalists, artists or politicians. People, in general, who, apart from their daily work, dedicate part of their time to telling stories on the Internet, sharing knowledge and teaching others new tools to communicate in an amateur way but reaching where professionals often cannot. One of the most celebrated sections of the program is you roll, which is taught and invites video camera fans to become videobloggers and send their own reports of events so that they are later broadcast on television at the same level (or perhaps with more affection) than those done by professionals.

The program director, Georgina Cisquella, attended the event on the terrace of Casa Encendida, accompanied by her entire team and many of the protagonists of the reports: bloggers, semi-professional photographers, agitators, twitterers, chatters; as well as managers of the public entity.

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