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Apps that make things easier


Surely some of you have received a new mobile phone or tablet this Christmas and are researching applications that catch your attention and are very useful. 

The truth is that in virtual stores we find countless applications and many of them can be of help to many of us. Playing sports, controlling your expenses or learning languages, for example, are practices that with the help of an app we could carry out with greater ease and comfort. Some of these applications that would be useful are the following:

1. RunKeeper Pro (free for a limited time)

Essential application for any athlete. With the GPS and the accelerometer installed on your phone, you can have very complete statistics at hand. Everyone who is fond of running and walking wants to know how much he has done, in how much time and at what pace. In addition, it incorporates a very attractive option which is to share the activity on social networks and thus be able to encourage your followers and friends.

When you download the app, a series of questions appear and with the answers the program expands the statistics, incorporating, for example, the calories lost.

Two versions are available, free and paid. To start, the first one is more than enough, but if our requirements are greater, we have the paid one at our disposal, which offers a slightly wider range.

2. Fintonic: control your expenses in a simple way

During Christmas we make efforts to please those around us and sometimes we overheat our credit cards and leave our wallets empty. This has an impact on the January slope, which is sometimes excessively steep. To cope with these periods in the best way, we can use a practical app that allows us to collect and store all the movements of our bank accounts. It notifies you of both common expenses and hidden expenses that involve payment of commissions or maintenance costs. In this case, they send you a series of suggestions to save and have control.

We can download it for free and enjoy its services now. This application is powered by advertising that they occasionally offer in the form of suggestions.


Simply easy. How easy it is to handle is what stands out above the rest. You open the application and it is in charge of searching and identifying that what is on the table is a sheet of paper to scan. Everything automatically. With it, lost tickets or those receipts that we never saw again will disappear.

4. Duolingo

With the new year, new proposals and objectives appear, such as learning new languages. Duolingo offers you a very extensive list of languages ​​that you can learn for free. Lessons that were stuck can be reviewed and it helps maintain that famous "average level" that appears on all resumes.

5. Strings

Which would have changed the situation if we hadn't sent that inopportune message, right? Well, this application does not give rise to regret or regret since it allows you to delete messages once they have been sent. That is, it disappears from your smartphone but also from the recipient's. So to enjoy this great advantage you will have to convince your friends to speak on Strings.

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