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Twelve reasons why users don't follow you on Twitter


You see that you publish very interesting Tweets on Twitter But you still don't have a very prominent list of followers? Today we explain the 12 most typical mistakes so you don't make them.

1.- You don't have a Bio on Twitter:  It will not take you more than thirty seconds to fill out your Bio and it will allow users who see your profile to know a little more about you (improve Branding and trust).

2.- You don't have an Avatar: Showing the generic "egg" only tells the world that you don't want to show who you are or that you have something to hide...

3.- Your account is blocked: Better to offer all content open so that users can retweet or mention you without fear that their followers will not be able to see the entire conversation.

4.- You have been there for a short time: It takes a reasonable amount of time for followers to see your account and start retweeting and mentioning you. Be patient.

5.- You are not regular: If you see that a TimeLine has not been updated for months (or years) you probably think that the tweeter will not write again.

6.- You have nothing to say or publish: If you only publish "It's raining today" or "I'm on the street" perhaps this type of content is not of much interest...

7.- You follow more people than those who follow you: It is one of the classic tactics to upload followers incorrectly. That smells.

8.- Your Profile or your Tweets reveal that you only want to sell: On Twitter you can promote your products but you must also add value with knowledge and curiosities.

9.- Links to your website: Too much advertising on your website will make many think that they already have television to watch advertising.

10.- Promoting incorrect content: If you are promoting porn, gambling or scam sites you better leave Twitter.

11.- Your photos are blurry: The quality of photos is very important so that users can understand your tweets and retweet.

12.- You post Tweets that are too long: There are 140 characters maximum. The ideal would be to make them 110 characters so that they can make retweets and mentions.

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