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Joan Boluda invites us to his new program


We will see it soon on YouTube, our friend Joan Boluda He invited us to his new Online Marketing program, more specifically about the entrepreneurial process, what Marcos Guerrero's beginnings were like. and about what we do in IndianWebs.

Joan Boluda, is the crack of the Online Marketing Courses. Boluda.com's online marketing courses are the easiest and fastest way to learn online marketing through guided video tutorials in real time. Freelance by nature, specialist in WordPress, programming, positioning and the entire web universe; He also works as a professor at ESADE. 

Every day Joan Boluda greets us with his online marketing podcast where he develops various topics on current internet marketing, including success stories and question and answer sections. On the podcast she has done the best interviews.

En IndianWebs We won't miss it! 100% recommendable!


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