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We launch three new PenTest security products


IndianWebs bet once again on web security. Many people continually try to access other people's computers to obtain the data we have. This unauthorized access to a computer network or the equipment it includes can cause serious problems for the affected company. IndianWebs , recommends a secure computer system that guarantees the availability, integrity, confidentiality and proper use of information is something that every company must have, if it does not want to suffer irreparable damage to its systems.

What is it Pentest for your website? In IndianWebs We offer a service in which a penetration test is carried out on your website. A penetration test, or "pentest", is an attack on a computer system with the intention of finding security weaknesses and everything that could have access to it, its functionality and data. The process consists of identifying the target system(s).

It is clear that there are many tests, that is why IndianWebs You must identify in advance the type of work to be performed and thus select the best tests to carry out.

En IndianWebs we think that subjecting a computer system to constant intrusion attempts may be the best way to guarantee its security.

Nowadays, companies and institutions are exposed 24 hours a day on the Internet, so their prevention strategy against cyberattacks must evolve to leave behind the security audits that are carried out every few months and instead rely on security systems. continuous detection of new vulnerabilities that radically reduce the time window available to potential attackers to carry out intrusions.

Large companies know this, which is why many already have security teams that constantly test their own systems, not only in order to detect vulnerabilities but also to reduce the response time to them.

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