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Analyzing moods through Twitter


Sociologists, marketing experts and companies in general have found in the social media an unprecedented system, due to its ease and scope, of taking the pulse of consumers and, for example, analyzing their mood through microblogs, as has been done A study appeared in NewScientist.

According to that Insights, The happiest time of the work day is in the morning, when Americans wake up full of energy. The work day takes a toll on the spirit, until the highest levels of bitterness are recorded in the office afternoons.

The best time of the week is Sunday morning, after a restful weekend, and the worst is Thursday afternoon, judging by the three million tweets studied, who also showed more overall happiness on the west coast of the country than on the east coast.

To determine how positive or negative a phrase is, experts distinguished between words like "paradise" on the one hand and "funeral" on the other, which is not the most precise technique in the world but works well enough to make the results seem logical.

The result of the study is not so surprising (the Californian summer sun is associated with a good mood, after all), but it is interesting to see how the content produced by users, voluntarily and free of charge, can serve to make increasingly accurate and concrete analyzes of public opinion on any topic.

All of this without forgetting that they also imply a loss of privacy - or rather, a waiver of privacy– when we allow an unknown expert to analyze our most personal impressions and include them in a complex sociological model to sell more detergent.

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