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Linkedin Ads: How do paid ads work on LinkedIn?

Elizabeth De Leon

Like Facebook and Instagram, LinkedIn has also opened its doors to paid advertising, an important channel to allow brands seeking visibility to intercept audiences that are genuinely interested in their products and services.

LinkedIn, "the social network for work", has more than 250 million members and undoubtedly represents a very interesting promotion channel for the B2B sector and for professionals.

La paid advertising on LinkedIn It's certainly not the first form of advertising you would think of, but if your brand is aimed at a professional audience and other businesses, you should definitely consider it to increase your online sales and attract a defined entire audience. to your company page.

The same year, mobile advertising displays were also enabled: since about a third of users access the platform through applications, ads were rethought to be more attractive on iPhone, Android and iPad.

Paid ads on LinkedIn: What are they for?

Obviously, if you want to promote yourself professionally on LinkedIn, you need to ensure that the contents of your company page reach the audience relevant to your activities, especially from tablets and smartphones, and that they can generate real conversions. LinkedIn Ads They are one of the most effective means of making your content more visible and viral on LinkedIn, as well as making it visible to an audience more similar to your business.

What activities can be carried out through Linkedin ads

LinkedIn Ads allow you to:

  • Acquire new customers in minutes
  • Promote your brand more effectively.
  • Increase conversion rate
  • Contact figures capable of making decisions within companies
  • Increase the visibility of your brand
  • Develop specific promotional campaigns for a specific period or audience.
  • Gather subscribers for an event
  • Increase conversions compared to organic posts

LinkedIn ads allow you to reach a very well-defined audience selected based on:

  • Paper
  • Qualification
  • Sector

Ad management

LinkedIn also allows you to set more than one administrator role for managing ad campaigns. Companies can freely decide how to end these ads or whether to use them to Increase the visibility of your company page.

Administrators are responsible for following all steps necessary to create a ad on LinkedIn : choose the text and maximum length, identify the images that will be displayed and the other elements that make up the ad.

Targetizzazione Linkedin ADS

Paid ads on LinkedIn They can be segmented at a very advanced level of detail. In fact, you can define:

  • The geographical origin
  • The course of study
  • Home location
  • The type of professional profile
  • The declared abilities

and other types of useful parameters to define a very well-selected audience to which to direct our promotional advertisements.


The minimum budget must be €10 per day, which can be counted according to the CPC, CPM and CTR parameters. Advertisers define the start and end date of the campaign to decide exactly how much to spend each day.

Obviously, you can customize your budget so as not to exceed a daily or weekly spending ceiling according to your availability.

Obviously you will have to choose a budget in relation to many factors as you normally do in facebook ads o Google Ads

Paid ads on LinkedIn: What are the types of LinkedIn ads?

If your ads are related to work and professional field, then you can get concrete benefits by adopting this form of promotion.

Ads can be text, image and video, thus creating many combinations. The boxes can be of various shapes and contain both external links and reference to content always on the platform.

Ad positioning on Linkedin

Ads may appear:

  • On the home page
  • in the message box
  • In profile
  • In profile search results

Text Ads

Text ads are the simplest and most economical way to ads on LinkedIn. They are made up of text, an image and a title, and they are enough on their own to clearly attract attention. They can be placed at the top or right of the screens. To be truly effective, they must involve extremely simple but direct messages, associated with an image that is so interesting that it attracts immediate clicks.

InMail Messages

LinkedIn Messenger allows you to send direct advertising messages through the platform's native mailbox. In practice, it is a promotional form very similar to common email marketing, through which brands can send sponsored emails to their active contacts. The main advantage is that it allows you to send promotional messages to a very specific audience with guaranteed reception.

Obviously, this is always a form of "disruptive marketing" since the messages are not really requested by those who receive them, so companies must work to make them as consistent as possible with the tastes and needs of the recipients.

Promotional content

Company pages can highlight content and make it more visible to a well-defined audience. In this way, brands can easily expand the range of audiences they can reach, always in line with their preferences, whether in textual articles, images or videos. The latter, in particular, are the content model that can most easily go viral, just like on Facebook, and are clearly visible in the content feed.

Display ads

Display ads are a form of promotion on LinkedIn subject to a public and private auction mechanism, and are therefore also among the channels most capable of attracting audiences and clicks. This form of ads is highly recommended to promote attractive content such as videos and images, which are therefore promoted more effectively.

The only limitation is because this type of ads on LinkedIn cannot be directed to a specific target, and therefore may have a less incisive specific conversion capacity than the other forms. Therefore, it is best used when you need to reach a general audience, which you can target later with more specific ads to target.

dynamic ads

Dynamic ads are closely related to the characteristics of the audience, since their content varies according to the affinity between people and the brand.

Advertisers are responsible for creating the calls to action and the texts to display. They are an interesting way of paid ads on LinkedIn designed to increase visitor traffic to your company's page.

What do you say, do you think LinkedIn ads can help you increase your sales? Let's talk about it next!

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