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Voice searches on Google Maps


El google map service It already has voice support. Since yesterday, Google Maps in its desktop version allows searches for places, cities, states, streets and other locations registered through voice commands.

As a limitation to this update to Google Maps, the voice search only works with the google web browser, the popular Google Chrome, in addition to being limited only to users in the United States.

According to previous Google announcements, we can already count a high percentage of Google services that have voice recognition for its funtionability. This is undoubtedly a great advance in the web field since it takes web applications to another level of technology.

About Google Maps, it is possible to comment that to use voice commands the user requires a microphone followed by voice command specifics previously established for the correct search for an address, such as the words “go to…” or something more instructive such as “directions to…”

Clearly Google It will not take long to establish this technology adapted to the smartphones and other mobile devices such as tablets since it is the new target market of large companies despite the number of users who require it every day.

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