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Social networks are becoming more and more influential in the purchasing decision process


eMarketer, a digital consultancy, set out to quantify the number of social network users there will be in Spain in 2015. To do so, it was helped by the results of a study carried out in December by the company ELOGIA. 

After exhaustively analyzing this data, they estimate that 40,1% of the Spanish population will be active users of social networks, that is, 59,7% of Internet users. It is important to highlight that this 40,1% represents approximately 19,3 million people. Even so, within that percentage there are few users who will buy on these platforms since the percentage of respondents who claimed to have purchased something through a social network amounts to only 12%.

However, this does not harm the purchasing process, quite the contrary. The role that social networks play in the decision process is very important. 70% of those surveyed claim to have used social platforms to expand their range of information. Being very common in the purchase of clothing, footwear, trips and books.

For users who inform themselves through social networks about potential products to purchase, the comments and opinions of other users are very important. Many claim that some of these end up being influential in subsequent purchases.

But not everything ends after making the purchase. The number of people who, after a purchase, comment on their experience is quite high. Comments, opinions, problems and questions that are very beneficial to other researchers.


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