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How to get the most out of Instagram ads 

Elizabeth De Leon
Appearing as a social network to share photos and short videos, Instagram has become one of the marketing platforms with the greatest potential today. A surprising study by Smartly.io finds that 29% of businesses spend the majority of their advertising budget on Instagram. Now, the challenge is to get the most out of Instagram ads. If you don't find your users engaging with ads, it's time to change your strategy. Today's audience needs much more than the cliché "buy this now" to interact with a brand.

In this blog, we will look at some of the effective tips to make the most of Instagram advertising. Let's dig deeper.

Instagram Ad: Quick Tips

Set your goal

According to digital marketing services experts, targeting your audience is the first step in running paid advertising campaigns on any social media platform. And Instagram is no exception to that.

Audience Similary: Lookalike Audience allows you to create a custom audience for your ads that replicates your existing followers. It can help you explore a new audience that has similar demographics, interests, and behaviors as your current audience.

remarketing: will help you narrow your focus on the people who have visited your website. You can also add other modifiers to target people who took an action on the site or abandoned carts. All of this will allow you to reach people who have a high conversion potential. As your ad click-through rates and conversion rate increase, your cost-per-click rate will decrease.

However, if you want to reach a wider audience through your ads, you may not focus on your target audience.

Strategic Use of Hashtags

Do hashtags really work?

They Yes!

The key is to use the right hashtag. Flooding a campaign without hundreds of hashtags won't do the trick that even a handful of strategic hashtags can do!

Here are some tips to get you started:

Use hashtags that are relevant to your post and business. These will give a direction to your posts.

Use simple, popular hashtags that people can use and discover your posts. Going overboard or experimenting too much with hashtags is not the ideal step as only a few people can discover your posts.

But be sure not to use extremely popular hashtags, as your post may get lost in the shuffle. You can find the popularity of a hashtag by simply typing a few words into the Instagram search bar. Take a look at Instagram autogenerates – these will show how many posts feature a specific hashtag.

Take a look at the hashtags your competitors are using. You can use various hashtag research tools like Hashtagify, Archie.co, Websta, Hashtags.org, etc.

Pay attention to the number of hashtags. By analyzing 65,000 posts, a study by TrackMaven finds that 9 hashtags may be the ideal number for post engagement. You can also try on your own and find out how many hashtags work for you.

Engage users through Instagram stories

It is not a direct advertising method, but Instagram stories positively impact your ads. Basically, stories are a Snapchat-like feature where you can post a picture or video that lasts for 24 hours. These help increase user engagement.

People today have a nominal attention span while browsing social media. They look at different posts from different brands and probably forget most of them. If you want to boost brand awareness, you need to consistently engage them with lots of posts.

For that, you don't need to fill your main feed with thousands of images or videos. Use the Instagram stories feature. If you run an e-store, you can promote your happy customers in this section instead of cluttering your feed.

Another advantage of the Instagram stories section is that it features your brand on the Instagram Explore page that people visit to find new content. That way, you can reach more visitors. Remember, having a broad audience will have a positive impact on your advertising efforts.


IGTV ad is another way to reach people. Such ads appear when users click to watch IGTV videos from the preview button in the feed. Let's outline some standards to follow when curating IGTV ads:

  • Share original content
  • Follow community standards: stay away from violence or hate speech
  • Create attractive content for the user
  • Make sure the preview is extremely engaging and encourage viewers to watch the IGTV ad and interact with your brand.

Strategic ad scheduling

If you want more people to see and interact with your ads, you should schedule your ads when your audience is most active. For example, studies suggest that ads posted on the weekend receive more engagement than on weekdays.

While there are several ad scheduling tools available in the market, strategic knowledge and proper experience are required to schedule ads. It is better that you consider hiring professional PPC services as experts publish ads after analyzing the optimal timing.

Use a CTA button

Instagram allows you to include a call to action button at the bottom of the image. We suggest you customize the statement according to the campaign to attract the audience.

For example, if you are promoting a mobile app, you can use an “Install Now” CTA button in your campaign. It will help users take action instantly and convert.

Shoppable ads

We are sure you already know this. Shoppable Instagram posts allow people to check the price and purchase it directly from the posts.

If you are looking to increase sales, it is best to take advantage of this feature. If a post features multiple products, you can make each of them purchasable.

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