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How to create a content marketing strategy (part two)


We have previously seen the importance of content marketing and the factors that had to be taken into account in them. For your strategy to be the most appropriate possible, you cannot forget some factors that are undoubtedly the ones that will lead to its true success.

How to create a content marketing strategy

In order for this strategy to last over time, it is good that you apply the following tips:


  • -Learn from your market: You will not be able to generate a content marketing strategy if you do not know what your niche is and what your audience is like. You have to know very well what they like, how they speak, what they are looking for, in what tone you should communicate with them, etc.





  • -Idea bank: As you well know, many times when generating content marketing strategies, the drawback is that it is not constant, therefore there is no continuity in the articles to write. The best thing is to have a bank of ideas, where you can write down all those topics that you want to discuss, in order to later create them one by one and never run out of content.





  • -Publication calendar: Just as you cannot run out of ideas, you cannot run out of publications either, so take the opportunity to make a calendar of the days and times where your publication will go best to place the article that you will publish week by week.





  • -Keywords: Doing an initial keyword search is essential in order to achieve good positioning. Surely you already have some keywords selected, but what it is about is that you can have other extra words, that is, secondary ones and that you have studied them to incorporate them into your articles little by little.





  • -Quality content: Beyond all of the above, what you should never forget is that the content you have to provide is quality content. You have to be able to give something extra to your readers so that they want to share it with their contacts and achieve the dissemination you want for your material and a better general positioning.

With this you already have more than enough to start your content marketing strategies. If you need content for your website, in Indian Webs we can help you.





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