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How to internationalize a web project well

Francçoise Derbaix, founder of several Internet projects, explains to us in This Video, where and what we should focus our attention on when internationalizing an internet project.

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Often the dilemma is whether to offer multiple languages ​​for a domain, or one language for each domain.
"Domains represent countries, not languages. I recommended placing the language as a subdomain (e.g. es.rentalia.com) or folder in the url (e.g. voota.es/es). I think this is the right thing to do, but in practice this strategy of having the same domain in different languages ​​entails serious SEO drawbacks. I thought I would never write something like this, but I think it is advisable to have 1 domain per language, or seen another way, 1 domain per linguistic community of users. "
The 5 reasons to reach this conclusion are:
  • Google doesn't like translated websites
  • There are few examples of successful positioning of the same domain in several languages.
  • Successful websites offer one language per domain
  • Your user will be more comfortable
  • There are websites that have already migrated a language from a .com to a local domain
You can read more here .

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