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How to protect your website from cyber attacks?

Elizabeth De Leon

There are several measures you can take to protect your website from cyber attacks:

  1. Keep your software and systems up to date: Install security and software updates when available to reduce the chance of becoming a victim of an attack.
  2. Use strong passwords: Use strong, unique passwords for your administrator accounts and other important users.
  3. Make regular backups: Make sure you have regular backups of your website so you can recover information in case of an attack.
  4. Use an SSL certificate: An SSL certificate encrypts information exchanged between the server and the browser, helping to protect sensitive client information.
  5. Limit access to site administration: Limit website administration access to only those who really need it.
  6. Monitor your website: Use tracking and monitoring tools to detect possible threats and attacks in time.
  7. Hire a security provider: Consider hiring a security provider specializing in website protection to ensure the security of your website.

By following these steps, you can significantly increase the security of your website and protect it from cyber attacks.

If you need help with the security of your website you can contact us here

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