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Essential SEO Concepts


We talk about web positioning and SEO all the time, but do we know what we mean by all this? Many times we come across words that are foreign to us, such as Black SEO or Link Building, and we don't really know what to say about whether or not to apply them in our SEO strategy. So that this does not happen to you again, we are going to see some essential SEO concepts that everyone who has a website should know.

SEO Dictionary


  • -Anchor Text: It is a text that will have a link connected that will mean that when the user clicks there, they will go to another section of our website or to an external website. It generally appears in blue colors for identification.





  • -Algorithm: It is a mechanism that Google uses to position a web page. With this mechanism you can decide which website goes first and which website goes next.





  • -BackLinks: They are the links that are placed on other websites and that point to your website or online store. This is one of the elements that best helps positioning.





  • -Black Hat: They are little legal or unethical techniques that are applied in order to “deceive” Google and thus have better positioning. Some of these techniques are, for example, Spam.





  • -Crawler or Spyder: It is the program that search engines use to index web pages in their databases. In addition, its purpose is also to check if there is new content on your website.





  • -Keyword Density: It is the number of keywords or the percentage in which they appear in the total number of words in your content. To increase the percentage, keywords are usually placed in the titles H1, H2, etc.





  • -Keyword: It is the keyword that we are going to use in the content. It is usually a word that has to do with our website or that we even use when creating its design.





  • -Link Building: It is a web positioning strategy that creates a greater number of incoming links to the website, thus allowing its positioning to improve.





  • -Long Tail: They are specific keywords that give little traffic but have a better conversion in general.





  • -Meta Tags: The tags that are used on each web page so that the content can be better understood.


We will continue with our dictionary SEO concepts in the next article. Do not miss it!


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