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Hosting in web positioning


We have been talking in previous articles about how different elements and specific tools can influence web positioning. In this case we can also affirm that hosting in web positioning is of utmost importance.

But what is hosting?

For those who are lost among so many specific names, we are going to discuss what a hosting service is. When we talk about hosting we are referring to that place where all the content of a web page can be stored, maintained and published. We would say that it is the specific container site, where you can place your web page, etc. If it were a library, the shelf where the books are placed would be the hosting and the book would be the design of the website.

Factors such as where the hosting is located are some of the things that could affect web positioning.

In this regard, it is well worth considering some basic questions when choosing a good hosting that helps with web positioning, such as:


  • -Wait time: The speed with which a web page loads depends specifically on the type of hosting you have. If there is a hosting that is very slow, then the website will take longer to load and therefore some users may be lost. While there are some specific plugins that can help improve wait time, much of it depends on the quality of the hosting.
  • -Reliability: When we decide on one hosting and not another, we must also think about its reliability, that is, that it is a hosting that works at all times and that does not go down. Imagine that by hiring one that is cheaper you have the “misfortune” of it being down all the time and therefore your website is not active. You could lose many users because of it…
  • -Location: Generally it is said that you have to buy hosting in the location where you want to position yourself. So for example, if you want to position yourself in Spain, it is best that you buy hosting that is hosted in Spain. You can consult with the experts where each hosting is hosted as well as, if you want to investigate a little more, look at the “whois loockup” services.



  • -Technical support: Technical support is also important in these cases, because if something happens, the company must be able to respond immediately to what is happening.

En Indianwebs We know the importance of hosting in web positioning and that is why we help you choose the one that best suits you.





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