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Email marketing: Myths and false beliefs about one of the most effective digital tools to boost your online business

Elizabeth De Leon

Corporate email marketing is not an obsolete activity on the contrary: we are about to talk the most used digital channel in the world !

It is an economical and effective digital channel since it includes a “one-to-one” relationship and allows brands to communicate, through email, with different types of users that vary according to needs.

This type of activity is successful because it has a high probability of attracting the attention of the user who receives the communication, in what way?

The elements that make up the email are customizable and therefore capable of touching the emotional side of the person who receives it, provided that the web master has been able to identify the exact need with the relative solution to satisfy it.

Email marketing is functional for any type of business and is provided in many corporate digital strategies even though several entrepreneurs remain skeptical: let's discuss it with objective data in hand.

The most effective web channels in terms of return on investment, email marketing takes first place, followed by SEO activity.

In general, each business objective has its ideal web marketing channels to achieve them, but email marketing is the only one that is an exception: it is useful for everyone!

What objective do we want to aim for?

Among the different winning characteristics of email marketing is the distance from social chaos and the direct and confidential dialogue with the target, but when we send a newsletter, specifically, who are we communicating with?

Let's start with the simplest target: the "old" customer.

73% of online users, in the study carried out by Kivari, were interested in receiving information via email from companies of which they are already clients. This shows how easy it is to involve one of our buyers because he already knows the corporate identity and above all is linked to the brand by a component of trust, essential to achieve the main objective: loyalty.

Keeping the relationship between the company and the customer alive establishes a connection that matures over time and ends, very often, with a conversion.

On the contrary, it is more difficult to communicate with an audience of potential customers.

To confirm this statement, the study carried out by a team of professionals from the University of Ohio that highlights how the first 3 seconds of face-to-face contact between the company and the prospect are decisive in the person's choice to become or not our new client. .

It is one of the first objectives of a company that uses email marketing, in fact, to hit and show a good image of itself to convert users into customers, requiring permission from marketing in the first place. This is a consent necessary to send users communications that may be informative or aimed at inviting the person to take an action.

The ultimate goal is to position our brand by helping and arousing interest, ultimately guiding them toward loyalty. Email marketing is the best channel to achieve these objectives.

Countless companies send newsletters, but few carry out correct email marketing activity that requires a careful study of the elements that make up the email and the target we want to communicate to.

The power of email marketing is already undoubted but it is important to consider that a winning online strategy consists of several digital tools perfectly integrated with each other, but this, however, is an aspect that we will address later.

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