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About me

Oriol Martínez Expósito


Team banner - Oriol Martínez Expósito


The entrevista

About Oriol Martínez Expósito

So that you can get to know a little more about Oriol Martínez Expósito We leave you a quick interview. In our company we are aware that the value we provide depends on our human team, their capabilities and their values.

Position in the company:

How do you define yourself?
I consider myself someone who wants to learn, hard-working and coherent. 

How do your friends see you?
I guess as someone kind and attentive

Football, music, reading and watching things, whether they are videos on YouTube, series, movies or documentaries

Blogs you follow:
I don't follow any blogs as such, but I follow different content creators on networks, such as: Nate gentile, Sfdxshow or ¡Vamos!

Last book read:
The Way of Kings (Brandon Sanderson)

Your second favorite movie:
Although it is also the first without a doubt Openhaimer 

I like purple, although black is also a color that I like.