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Happy Internet Day!


The Internet's ability to bring family and friends closer together is the central theme for this year's Internet Day on May 17. Do you know the history of this event?


The history of World Internet Day dates back to the 90s. At that time, the “Internet day” celebrated in the United States consisted of dedicating this particular day to wiring schools.


In that same decade, on the other side of the ocean, precisely in France, “Safer Internet day” was celebrated, whose main objective was to promote a safe and reliable Internet. This initiative was supported in later years by the European Union.


Also since 1996, “Net Day”, “Fête de l'Internet” or “Festa di Internet” have been successfully celebrated in the United States, France and Italy, respectively.


Inspired by these experiences, in 2005, the Association of Internet Users of Spain proposed the creation of a day that would bring the Internet closer to the “disconnected” and that would encourage the use of New Communication Technologies. They called it Internet Day. The main objective of the commemoration was to promote the possibilities that technologies offer for people and cultures.


The day chosen for the celebration was October 25, 2005. This first edition was very well received both in Spain and in Latin American countries. The celebrations consisted of 400 different events that brought new communication technologies closer to people. From these events arose the Declaration of Principles to build the Information Society, signed by more than 200 Spanish institutions, both public and private.


After the success of the celebration, the organizers of Internet Day decided to present its anniversary at the World Information Summit, the space for the exchange of opinions on New Technologies organized by the United Nations. The proposal was accepted but Internet Day changed its date to May 17 to adjust to the UN framework. Since then, May 17 is considered the World Internet Day.


You will find more information here: http://diadeinternet.org/2010/ 

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