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Google will launch its tablet in six months


It was announced by Eric Schmidt, president of Google: the company will propose its own tablet "of the highest quality" within six months. Schmidt, in an interview with Corriere de la silk, does not give more details. The announcement frames it in a reflection that contains notable praise for Steve Jobs. "He was the Michelangelo of our time. A friend of mine and a unique character, capable of combining creativity and visionary genius with extraordinary engineering capacity. Sometimes you find people who have one thing or the other. But not both. At the same time, Steve realized the revolutionary potential of the tablet and created an amazing product, iPad (…) In the next six months we intend to market a tablet of the highest quality And in mobile communications, the market. of smartphones will see brutal competition between Apple and Google's Android. It's capitalism.

Google already has experience launching mobile devices. It has done so in the telephone sector, where it collaborates with Samsung on the Nexus, after doing so with HTC without much success. The most logical thing is that this tablet is equipped with the Android operating system in its Ice Cream Sandwich version, which seeks to unify the user experience on mobile phones (tablets and phones) and stop the multiplication of versions that creates a problem for application developers. .

In the interview, Schmidt dares with more general reflections. For example, about capitalism, which she considers the only system "that has proven capable of improving the quality of life of society. But it is a process that also causes pain." And he believes that Europe's difficulties are due to its difficulty in adapting to the new reality.

When the journalist asks him about what projects are underway in Google laboratories, Schmidt refers with great emphasis to the driverless car, although he admits that its use on the street will take years to see due to safety and regulatory problems. The first step will be to use this technology to help the driver who will not leave his seat behind the wheel. Schmidt, in the interview, refuses to comment on the existence of other projects. Yesterday, The New York Times claimed that both Google and Apple are working on computer systems implanted in clothing that would work as peripherals for smartphones, giving them greater capabilities.


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