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Google wants its own fast website


Internet neutrality means not favoring any of the actors involved in the medium, a principle that has been the subject of great debate. Now Google reopens it. According to the economic newspaper The Wall Street Journal, the search engine is negotiating with the main teleoperators in the United States for a specific channel through which they would distribute the large amount of data it has.

Google would pay these operators an amount of money, still undetermined, to be able to develop the project, named OPenEdge, according to the economic newspaper. The mechanism of this fast highway would work by directly connecting Google's servers to the network of Internet access providers.

The opening of a preferred channel is controversial, and even more so considering that Google has always defended equality on the Internet, which is included in one of the regulations of the Federal Communications Commission, the US regulatory body. Hence that an agreement has not been reached, since the regulations of the US market could be breached.

One of the reasons why Google supposedly negotiates its own channel is to give agility to certain Internet content, especially multimedia, which is growing exponentially.

Google has denied the information published by the American newspaper through its official blog and assures that it is "a confusing story, which is based on an erroneous interpretation about the opening of the Internet."

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