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Google tells you where your friends are at all times


"Where are you?" is one of the most common questions that are asked daily on mobile phones and that has inspired the creation of Latitude, a new application that allows you to know where your friends are by placing them on a Google Maps map. The truth is that Latitude is scary, it sounds like Gran Hermano, but Google wants to make it clear that the user maintains complete control of their privacy, allows the application to be activated and deactivated at any time, and that it only gives access to the location of those who have previously agreed to be located.

Latitude does not indicate an exact position but it does allow you to know approximately where your contacts are at a given time. The objective is to be able to find friends in large crowds or help them when they cannot find a certain address, as well as promote spontaneous dates. "I see it's near my office, shall we meet for lunch?", for example. To use this application you must connect to google.es/latitude and download the latest version of GoogleMaps for mobiles.

Invitations are then sent to the contacts in the calendar who must accept the request. At any time, the user can show or hide the information from their network of contacts. Additionally, the system only stores the last linked location. The moment Latitude is deactivated, all traces disappear completely, as the company explains in its press release.

Once activated, the system allows you to place contacts on the map or in a list and gives the option to contact them by clicking directly on the icon either through text message, email or with a call.

Google Latitude currently works with most color BlackBerrys, devices with Windows Mobile 5.0 or higher, a good part of the Symbian S60 (Nokia), and Sony Ericsson mobile phones with Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) technology. This application will soon be available on iGoogle and devices with the Android operating system.

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