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Hello, Google said yes: we are a Google Partner agency!

Marcos Guerrero

We really needed some good news these days. From February 22, 2022 , IndianWebs has officially renewed Google Partner certification .

This recognition is the result of a constant commitment and enthusiastic approach to our profession.

The desire to learn, update and grow professionally unites the entire team. IndianWebs.

We are personally committed to achieving this result, which represents a big step forward not only for us but, above all, for our clients .

That's why we share this news, because it affects you too.

Google has recognized IndianWebs as a partner as result of a long journey of training and investment in quality research and growth of our clients' accounts .


What does it mean to become a Google Partner?

We have received a certification certifying that IndianWebs has reached quality standards recognized by Google itself.

Agencies that receive this certification from Google meet the highest standards of both performance and services available to their clients. 


Google has evaluated IndianWebs in relation to the following aspects:

  • Quality and growth of the accounts we manage for our customers .
  • Investments made in advertising campaigns on search, display, shopping and video networks.
  • Scores obtained by our employees in certified courses on Google Skillshop.

And so we got our Google partner badge that will give us access to Exclusive resources to enhance our skills and help our clients succeed .

What improves for us and our clients?

We can participate in Exclusive upgrade programs for members and access to exclusive resources and analysis . We will thus have the opportunity to know in advance all the updates and functionalities that will be integrated and included in the digital strategic plans of our clients.

We will also have a preferred communication channel with Google through its assistance and advice center to refine and improve the advertising and visibility of the brands we value.

This is an important milestone for us. It is a point of arrival but above all a point of departure.

Link to certification: https://www.google.com/partners/agency?id=7188260284

Do you need to update your website?

Do you need any of our web design services? In IndianWebs We have extensive experience, and a team of programmers and web designers in different specialties, we are capable of offering a wide range of services in the creation of custom web pages. Whatever your project is, we will tackle it.