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IndianWebs launches ENINTER Android app


ENINTER has launched its first official application for Android devices. The company launches an app in one of the most popular systems today. Users will be able to use the ENINTER elevator service tools.

ENINTER APP offers one of the best integrated communication experiences on a smartphone, and is now available to download for free from the Google Play platform. Free since its launch, the application will continue to be developed by IndianWebs to incorporate new features in the future. 

This is ENINTER's first service launched directly to its customers and the first time that ENINTER offers a product worldwide, not only in the countries in which it operates.

Eninter Elevators is a family business with a presence in practically all of Spain. It currently maintains 22.000 elevators and we employ 560 professionals. Founded in 1973, our mission is to develop a solid organization capable of providing excellence in passenger transportation through innovation, reliability, design and comfort.

Elevators Eninter has an R&D department in charge of the development of new products or models, technological research and improvements in the company's productivity.

The R&D department is responsible for the manufacture of the electronic maneuver owned by Eninter: Eninterlift; being at the technological forefront guaranteeing reliability, safety and technical assistance.

ENINTER is committed to innovating in its elevator business. Other communication services for the Apple device market will be launched in the coming months. 


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