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IndianWebs participated in the Barcelona Windows 8 Hackathon workshops


This weekend IndianWebs has actively participated in the Windows 8 Hackathon development workshops. The meeting, especially aimed at web developers and programmers, lasted from Friday, June 29 to Sunday, July 1, 2012.

One of the most prominent IndianWebs programmers, Daniel Chaur, was present conducting several workshops with the result of a tested application for Windows 8.

For those who do not know what a Hackathon is, tell them that it is a meeting of programmers, which lasts a weekend, the purpose of which is to share knowledge and experiences around a specific topic. There is usually some type of competition as motivation and to have a good time.

Daniel Chaur, made the application in HTML5 for Windows 8. During seven hours of workshop it is possible to delve into the programming of applications for Windows 8. All the applications were developed with the famous "Metro" style and were drawn in the same edition 4 Nokia Lumia 800 and the recognition of two communities as relevant as Microsoft Ibérica and HTML 5 Spain, simply for coming to this new free meeting.

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