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The intrusion of social networks on the small screen


One of the days of the iRedes congress, held in Burgos, has delved into the close relationship between television and social networks.

Social networks also influence the way we watch television, since many viewers like to tweet commenting on the programs they are watching at that very moment. The phenomenon is known as "second screen".

Ana Bueno, multimedia director of Mediaset explains that “all TVs are aware that the two screens are there, it is magnificent to have a permanent work group that gives us very valuable information about our programming, and it is also a challenge,”

According to Ana, despite the growing popularity of social networks, “TV is not going to disappear, television consumption increases every year, what happens is that the consumption of second screens also increases.
Television networks are trying to introduce this second screen into their programs, to try to get the most out of this phenomenon.

It is not the only idea that has emerged from this phenomenon, as Ana also explains that "with the program La Voz we opened a permanent live signal from the backstage that could only be seen on the web, with a reporter interviewing the contestants." The series The Prince has also had the idea of ​​creating, for each character in the series, a Twitter account.

Ignacio Escolar, director of El Diario, has also emphasized the importance of social networks when it comes to transmitting information: “Before, the person who said which news was the most important was the director, while now, for example, the photo of the king hunting elephants in Botswana would not have been on the front page of the newspapers if it had not been shared thousands of times on social networks.”

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