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The 5 most common mistakes when creating a website in WordPress

Elizabeth De Leon

When creating a website in WordPress, it is important to keep in mind that there are some common mistakes that we must avoid to ensure success in our project. Next, we will mention the 5 most common mistakes that are usually made when creating a website in WordPress:


  1. Not choosing the right topic: The theme of a web page is very important as it is what shapes the appearance and structure of the page. It is important to choose a theme that fits the needs of our project and that has good quality and useful functionalities.
  2. Do not optimize the page for mobile devices: Currently, most people access the Internet through their mobile devices, so it is essential that our website is optimized for these devices. If our page does not display correctly on mobile devices, we could lose many visitors and, therefore, business opportunities.
  3. Not using a quality hosting platform: It is important to use a quality hosting platform for our website, as this can influence the page loading speed and the stability of the site. A low-quality hosting platform can make our site slow and unreliable, which can drive away our visitors.
  4. Not having a content plan: Before starting to create a website, it is important to have a clear and defined content plan. This will help us organize our page content effectively and ensure that we are providing useful and relevant information to our visitors.
  5. Not taking security into account: Security is essential on any website, since an insecure page can be vulnerable to hacker attacks and can put our visitors' information at risk. It is important to take steps to secure our website, such as using strong passwords and keeping our site up to date with the latest software versions.

In conclusion, avoiding these 5 common mistakes when creating a website in WordPress is essential to be successful in our project.

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