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The best tricks to position your website

Jose Fco. Llerena

Starting with an idea or business and deciding to take that big step of translating it into a website is very difficult. But dedicating oneself to the tasks of SEO It is often unfair and unrewarding, except when you appear at the top of the search engine.

We must keep in mind that these medium-long term jobs can bring us high benefits, so these 8 tips to position your website are of great help.

1. Manage to create a good title.

The title of a website is the first thing that appears in search results. The length of the “Title” meta-tag must have a maximum of 70 characters including spaces. It is highly recommended to create different titles for each page of your website.

2. The description tag.

Search engines use meta-tags such as the so-called “Description” that is displayed below the title in search results. It is advisable to use a couple of sentences that describe what your website is dedicated to. Avoid listing words or terms. If possible, include in the “Description” meta-tag one or two keywords that are relevant to your website in searches, but always do it naturally.

3. Use URLs that are friendly and descriptive.

The address of the different pages of your website that appear in the browser's address bar (www.tusitio.es/contacto) is called URL.
It is recommended that these descriptions be simple and descriptive as they help search engines crawl your website, and users will also remember the URL more easily.

4. The Web structure of your site is important.

Navigation on your website is very important, both for the user and for search engines. For example, organizing the news section of your website by dates, making it easier for the user to find what they are looking for.

5. Think about the user, not the search engines.

The web design of your site always has to think about the user, not the search engines. Remember that those who are going to acquire a service or buy on your website are the users and not the search engines.

6. Choose the most used keywords.

When selecting the keywords for your website you have to put yourself in the place of the person looking for the information. Think about what you would type in the search engine to find information regarding your business niche.

Additionally, you can help yourself with Google ADS Keyword Planner to check what search volume those words have and what type of competition exists for them.

7. Take advantage of images and videos.

Surely you have heard that “A picture is worth a thousand words” and a website without images will not last long. Let's face it, the first thing we see are the images and then the text.
Therefore, use the “alt” and “title” meta tags that will help you describe the image.

Our advice is that you use the keywords from that page. It is very difficult for search engines to crawl an image, therefore, the better you describe an image, the better it will rank and consequently appear in the image search results of search engines.

8. Take advantage of social networks.

When someone likes an article, a website, they want to share it with their friends and acquaintances. It is already well known to everyone that the power of social networks is becoming more relevant every day in determining search results.

If you wish to position your website We will be happy to help you.

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