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More than a million people sent emails to Apple after the death of Steve Jobs


More than a million people offered their condolences for the death of Steve Jobs through the email enabled by Apple after the death of its leader, according to the company, which began making some messages public.

The company that created the iPhone today launched a page titled “Remembering Steve” within its Internet portal in which the feelings and reflections of anonymous people who felt the loss of Jobs are shown.

Messages such as “Thank you Steve”, “You changed the world with a simple and elegant design”, “Steve Jobs is a legend” or “We will miss you, Steve” are some of those that can be read on the web.

“Everyone has one thing in common – from personal friends to colleagues to owners of Apple products – and that is how his (Jobs') passion and creativity have impacted them,” Apple says in the text that introduces the page. of condolences

The Californian company created the electronic mailbox rememberingsteve@apple.com a few hours after learning of the death of its CEO on October 5 in order to centralize messages of condolence.

Jobs died at the age of 56 after a long fight against pancreatic cancer.

Apple today held a private tribute to Jobs at its headquarters in Cupertino, northern California, and only for employees.

The company decided to close its stores in the US for 90 minutes starting at 10 a.m. local time (17.00:XNUMX p.m. GMT) to allow its workers to follow the tribute via the Internet in a broadcast that was not open to the public.

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