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We are invited to the presentation of the new Barcelona Papel notebooks


Last Thursday, April 16, a group representing IndianWebs formed by Salvador Teixidó, Alex Ciobanu y Marcos Guerrero were invited to the RAIMA presentation of the notebooks Barcelona Paper®.

Barcelona Paper® It is a project created by Marta Fernández, Bernardo Valdés and Ricardo Feriche, professionals in the world of paper (manufacturers, printers, bookbinders and creatives) concerned about the environment. In collaboration with Barcelona City Council, they have focused on developing and making an idea: the creation and marketing of a 0 km recycled paper, from our city. The main objective of this project is to properly take advantage of the selective collection of paper waste that the city itself generates, to produce truly recycled and ecological paper.

Three compelling reasons justify a project like Barcelona Papel:

  1. Barcelona Paper® does not encourage paper imports.
  2. Barcelona Paper® es Km 0 means that we avoid the environmental impact (CO2 emissions) that its transportation would cause.
  3. Barcelona Paper® It does not contribute at all to the destruction of the forest mass.

Barcelona is the first city in the world to carry out a similar project.

Thank you Moritz and Andreu Xarcuteria i Degustació enlivened the event with their products.

Thank you RAIMA!

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