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What to post on my company's Facebook


Today we will give you 10 tips to improve your presence on social networks, especially on Facebook. 1.- Do not publish on other corporate pages asking them to become followers of yours. The brand image will be affected. 2.- When it comes to business it is better that you stay away from political and religious issues. 3.- Maintain a high level of quality and do not publish anything that you consider SPAM. 4.- Do not copy other people's statuses. Be original and unique. 5- Don't post many photos in a short time. Better spaced over several hours. 6.- Be respectful of the other pages 7.- Respond to your messages quickly, even if it is to explain that you are considering their question. 8.- Photos and infographics are widely accepted and have the highest number of Likes. 9.- Using humor from time to time is good. 10.- First it is to educate, inform and entertain. Then comes selling.

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