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Second Life will be able to have real live images


A new program allows the introduction of real live images within Second Life, a system that makes it possible, for example, to broadcast a television program in this virtual world in real time.

Currently, recordings can be viewed through screens that are created in this space, but the novelty of the system designed by the EUVE technology center in Vitoria is that the images can be uploaded in real time, which makes it possible, for example, to television program can be seen live.

Mikeldi Rodríguez, one of the creators of the program who works in the Department of Scenography and Art of EUVE, has explained the importance that this application can have for local television stations since different virtual scenarios can be created with a minimum cost. To operate it only requires a video camera, a stage with a green background, a computer connected to the Internet and the hardware called Ultimate.

According to Rodríguez, this technology can be applied mainly to local television stations with a low budget since the creation of scenarios would not entail an additional cost, although it can also be used for live corporate exhibitions of companies.

This novel fusion between both universes has been presented by EUVE at the Virtual Reality Applications Congress (CARVI) that was held this week in Vitoria. On the other hand, during this Congress in which more than 150 professionals participated, the Japanese company Forum 8 of Tokyo presented the virtual simulation system that it uses mainly for the construction of civil engineering works.

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