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SEO for Airbnb: How to improve your search ranking?

Elizabeth De Leon

In fact, we only need to type a specific location into the portal and we are returned images and reviews of each available room. We can then request the contacts of the respective advertisers to proceed with the negotiation (you can pay by credit card once the reservation is made, with Airbnb retaining the percentage of its competition).

As you can see, this is a very advantageous platform for those who rent apartments for short periods. However, just like for Google SERPs, appearing in low-profile results means missing out on important conversion opportunities.

To appear in Airbnb search results, it is necessary to develop appropriate SEO optimization practices to increase the visibility of our rooms, based especially on increasing the host's reputation and making their pages more attractive and useful to visitors.

SEO Optimization for Airbnb: The factors to know

Ranking on Airbnb is influenced by a variety of factors that affect your profile and room listings, including:

  • Geographic location
  • Clicks earned
  • Number of invites
  • Duration of overnight stay
  • Room availability

In addition to these factors that derive from the success of your business, there are others related to the management of your presence and offer of rooms on Airbnb that you can optimize according to various criteria that are very reminiscent of the SEO principles valid for Google.

Punctuality and updating of information.

The more your profile is valued daily, the more likely you are to appear authoritative on Airbnb and in the eyes of tourists.

If information related to your business changes frequently enough, you should update your Airbnb calendar to keep weekly prices and availability up-to-date to make it more useful to tourists looking for a room.

Responding quickly (and in any case within 24 hours) to questions asked by interested users allows you to intercept advantageous visits and appear as a more active and authorized profile than the others. The response rate in the last 90 days is, in fact, one of the parameters that Airbnb takes into account to evaluate the authority of advertisers.

Airbnb also offers you a feature that facilitates your membership fee, instant booking: it allows customers to immediately set room availability. In this way, you can attract the attention of visitors interested in the availability at the location, encouraging them to increase their reservations.

Social sharing

Just as in traditional SEO we must aim to create viral and captivating content that encourages sharing on social networks, here we must also think about making our presence on Facebook and Twitter known through our network of contacts. If your friends on social media are interested in your type of business, you can use it to promote your offering and get likes and other forms of engagement, in order to become a licensed subject for Airbnb.

Texts and profile photos

Obviously, your profile must be taken care of from the point of view of all aspects to give an idea of ​​authority and competence: be sure to provide all the information requested and that you consider useful to stimulate confidence in you on the part of visitors. A good photo that highlights your qualities is certainly welcome. Likewise, you can include a video in your profile to give visitors an extra incentive to contact you.

All the elements that make your pages more attractive must be properly valued to attract users and improve the conversion rate.

Images are the visual elements that capture the attention of visitors more than any other: choose captivating, good quality photos to provide the greatest possible incentive to gain contacts from potential interested parties.

Keywords and descriptions

Descriptions are very important to convince visitors of the quality of your offer: remember to include all the merits and advantages of your apartments (free parking available, Wi-Fi included, proximity to transport…) to make them even more attractive. for visitors

Just like in traditional SEO, keywords are also important vantage points to focus on in Airbnb: from the analysis of your competitors' listings you can deduce which keywords are important to attract the attention of visitors and include in the title, the description. , especially since they can be returned to search engines and attract clicks from organic search.

If you are aware of events, festivals and anniversaries in your vicinity that may be very important to tourists, remember to inform them in the descriptions (for example, "...room a stone's throw from the city center where the festival takes place music annual...»).


As in any other sector of commerce, prices also play a role in people's appreciation of Airbnb. If you are still starting out and need good reviews, you should at least initially invest in a lower price than the competition to win over users looking for rooms in your city and encourage them to leave a positive review.


Reviews are extremely relevant factors for ranking.
In addition to the quantity of feedback obtained by users, its quality also counts.

You can suggest your guests leave feedback about the completed experience at the end of their one-night stay. Remember to respond to the comments they leave you: if they are positive, thank those who took the time to review your business, if they are negative, offer reliable explanations about any misunderstandings that may have occurred to reinforce the confidence of other visitors. to you.

In any case, always keep an eye on the world of Airbnb to discover what other features are being introduced to benefit your visibility!

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