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Twitter gives the possibility of sending direct messages to groups


This social network will change the way we send and keep direct messages from our mobile phones, for the convenience of users.

The microblogging network plans to update its mobile applications, for iPhone and Android, this application allows the user to see their complete history of direct messages on the mobile, until now this could not be consulted.

Twitter is also going to improve the way direct messages are synced on mobile and desktop, making it much easier to delete them. All these changes produced by Twitter are to completely change its direct messaging system.

The truth is that, given the success of messaging programs such as WhatsApp, Line or similar, this network has considered the possibility of matching its tool to these applications, to convert the system into a faster chat between users of the platform.


Twitter's objective is to ensure that users use it with the same frequency and ease with which they use WhatsApp. They want the best for users, easy use, easy movement in public conversations.

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