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Twitter will never be as big as Facebook


Analysts such as Felix Richter or Shea Bennett have been resounding, categorical, conclusive, blunt and forceful when assuring that Twitter will never be as big as Facebook. A statement that was born after exhaustively studying the growth of the world's main microblogging service and after comparing it with the evolution of Mark Zuckerberg's social network. 284 million users are immersed in Twitter, which is growing at a rate of 23%.

The crux of the matter lies in the percentage of the pace of said growth. When Facebook managed the same number of users, it progressed by over 200% and its increase was not reduced to 25%, which was when it exceeded one billion registered Internet users. It is these data that turn back investors who once bet on this creation of Jack Dorsey although, as some experts point out, his latest results in the stock market are more than acceptable.

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