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A young British man could be extradited to the US for maintaining a website of links


A British court has authorized the extradition to the United States of a British student who had created an Internet site that allowed links to sites for free viewing of American films and series. Richard O'Dwyer, 23, is suspected of having earned thousands of euros from advertising on his TVShack site before it was closed by the authorities in this country. The young student can be sentenced to prison terms if he is found guilty of violating copyright law. US authorities opened the case when O'Dwyer was 19 years old. In 2011 he was arrested for this matter.
His lawyer, Ben Cooper, has argued that the site was limited to redirecting Internet users to other websites that hosted the content. This practice, he has stressed, is no different from the results that Google offers in its search engine. If extradition occurs, he will be the first British citizen to whom this measure is applied for this type of infractions. The lawyer considers that the young man has been used as a "guinea pig" by the US authorities in the application of their intellectual property laws. The decision of the London judge is appealable.
Richard O'Dwyer has expressed his disappointment at the court decision. His mother, tearful before the media, has denounced the extradition treaty with the United States, calling it "rotten."

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