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A Complete Guide to Mobile App Usability Testing

Elizabeth De Leon
The growing number of mobile app users around the world is a testament to the important role mobile apps play in our daily lives. And given the unique user experiences and conveniences such apps offer, customer expectations are also rising. In fact, more and more companies are launching applications based on innovative ideas that support their business models and designs to offer appropriate solutions. These can cover a wide range of domains such as e-commerce, gaming, banking and finance, utilities, entertainment, hospitality, and many others. However, it is proving difficult to survive competition from mobile apps that have usability issues. Consequently, mobile app planning and execution is receiving more attention from leading mobile app development service providers to ensure that the usability of the apps is top-notch. That's why,

Continue reading the blog in the below-mentioned segments to learn more about mobile app usability. Also, if you are interested in knowing more about the mobile app development process, you can read our blog.

Mobile app usability testing

Usability testing for mobile apps is done by having users use your apps. These tests are carried out to study user interactions, behavior patterns, responses and reactions to your application and provide you with information to make appropriate changes.

To take the test, you must devise a plan that will help you proceed effectively. To create a sound plan, you can read the below-mentioned sections that are generally followed by top mobile app development services:

  • Set up the purpose, goal, and objectives of the test
  • Research questions
  • Characteristics of the test participants.
  • test methods
  • Task list for participants
  • Test the equipment, environment and logistics.
  • Facilitator's role
  • Data that must be collected and measured to evaluate
  • Presentation and reports

Steps to consider before performing mobile application usability testing

The necessary steps to take into account before carrying out the usability test of the mobile application are:

# Test objectives

It is important to establish the objectives of the test from the beginning, as the objectives will determine the outcome of the test. Therefore, you can configure the questions to ask the development team to explore important areas such as markets, competitors, opportunities, users, ideal application roadmaps, time and research, among others. Any feedback from the team to your questions will help you identify your goals and, more importantly, set specific, prioritized, and measurable goals.

# Performing tasks

After setting the goal, you need to set the appropriate tasks so that the test results are genuine and help you take the right action after taking the test. Therefore, you should make sure to set a task that most closely resembles the natural interactions that users generally have with mobile applications. For example, participants can be assigned tasks such as signing up or uploading photos, registering an account or sending a friend request to anyone, etc.

# Test documents for application usability

App usability testing requires some documents, such as participant consent forms. In addition, the post-test questionnaire is required to be configured according to the SUS (System Usability Scale) and PSSUQ (Post-Study Usability Questionnaire) standard.

# Test participants

The reason for user-oriented testing is to achieve quality results. Therefore, it is important to bring together the right participants to interact with the application and therefore you should keep the following in mind:

  • The user must be a representative of the target audience.
  • The user owns a device that runs on the same operating system that the application was designed for
  • Participants must show confidentiality and have the experience to use the application, which may be in its early stage of development
  • The participant must be available at the time and place of the test.
  • The participant must agree to the compensation terms before participating in the usability test
  • The participant must be ready to sign the consent form for the usability test

Recognizing these aspects will help you bring together the right candidates for testing and ensure that the testing process is synchronized to deliver optimal results.

# Test methodologies

There are mainly two testing methodologies: in-person and remote testing methods following moderated and unmoderated forms. It is important to choose the right methodologies to perform mobile application usability testing. We have discussed the methodologies later in this blog.

Factors that guide mobile application usability testing

Before conducting mobile app usability testing, you need to consider different factors to get the desired result.

# Your idea

Every mobile app is based on an idea. He also has an idea behind creating the mobile app. The idea helps to understand the type of facilities it will offer to its users and how it can be distinguished from other mobile applications existing in the domain. So before you consider testing your mobile app, you should take note of the idea you have. This will help in conducting an effective test and getting a genuine result.

# Target audiences

You need to identify the audience you want to serve. The age group, gender, and location of your prospects are some determining factors that will help you recognize the ideal group of your target audience. Identifying the right group of audience will help you understand what they expect from a mobile app, how powerfully your app can serve the group and make a difference and accordingly you can draw the conclusion and take action. An important thing to keep in mind is that the group of test participants you select should be from your target audience.

# cost factor

The amount you want to spend to take the test is an important factor to consider.

Mobile application usability testing methodologies

As discussed above, let's discuss two methods to evaluate your mobile app:

# In-person testing method: Here, participants must gather at a defined location to participate in the test.

Moderate Mode

The moderated way of conducting the test simply denotes the involvement of an involved moderator who guides the participants through the test. The presence of a moderator can help gather more information about the participants, as the moderator can probe the participants by asking them questions or allowing them to share their experiences. There can be two approaches to this:

-Laboratory test method- Under this method, a group of participants is asked to perform a task in a controlled environment. The task is assigned accordingly to understand how easily the participants can perform the task with the app. And right after the task, participants are asked to share their experiences individually.

-Guerrilla test: Under this method, participants are randomly selected from public places like a shopping mall, coffee shops or airports, etc. They are then asked to perform a usability test in exchange for a small prize such as gift vouchers, etc. This method helps to thoroughly test the usability of your app and allows you to collect genuine reactions to your app. A moderator is present to guide participants through the test.

Unmoderated way

No moderator is present in this case. The test is not carried out under any supervision and therefore participants can interact with your application without any external input.

-Proof observational- Under this method, participants interact freely with the application and their interaction is observed independently. Since no direction is given to the participants, this method helps to uncover various usability issues of the application.

# Remote test method: In this method, participants are not required to meet anywhere and can join the usability test from anywhere.

Moderate Mode

Under moderated remote application usability testing, there are two approaches:

-Video or telephone interviews : The test is carried out by phone or video call. Participants are guided by the moderator and assigned to complete a task, which is then recorded. This helps to study the behavior of the participant and the interaction pattern with the application. This is a less expensive method than conducting an in-person usability test and helps collect data expansively across geographic areas.

– Card classification: Another useful remote and moderated way to perform application usability testing is through the card sorting method. Here, participants are asked to categorize virtual cards representing elements or categories of the app navigation based on their choices and convenience. Card sorting helps to identify user preferences and design a suitable navigation system that is preferred by users.

Unmoderated way

-Session recordings: In the session recording mobile app trial option, user sessions are recorded in audio and video. Since this method is uncontrolled, participants are free to operate and interact with the app, which helps them understand their options.

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