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10 ways to use chatGPT and not die trying

Jose Fco. Llerena

Today there is no one who is not crazy about #ChatGPT according to social networks. Everything has gone very quickly and many have already come out Web pages, integrations, extensions…

These days we have all been a little disconnected and we have found ourselves in the need to create a compilation with

10 tools to squeeze ChatGPT/GPT3

There they go 👇👇👇

1️⃣Perplexity Ask: It is a search interface that combines OpenAI GPT 3.5 with Bing to directly answer questions:

2️⃣Do you want to use #ChatGPT from anywhere? With this extension for Chrome you can. Write tweets, check emails, code errors...

3️⃣Do you want ChatGPT answers on Google itself and other search engines? You can combine them with this extension for Chrome/Firefox:

4️⃣ If you are one of those who does not like writing at all and prefer to talk to ChatGPT and ask for things by voice and not write so much, this is the extension for Chrome that allows you to do it:
(At the moment only in English although its creator says that he will try to have the multilanguage ready tomorrow)

5️⃣Use #GPT3 and Dalle to create content in #Wordpress with this free plugin. If you don't have time to create it yourself and you're not willing to pay for someone to do it, create texts by writing what you need at the prompt and generate the images by AI.

6️⃣If you need to save everything you have generated in ChatGPT, you can do it in PDF, PNG or link format to share with this extension for Chrome, Edge and Firefox.

7️⃣For those who want to make a #Telegram bot that interacts through #ChatGPT, this is the option:

8️⃣What if you want to integrate ChatGPT in Whatsapp? You can too:

9️⃣Wait, there's more. On Twitter, they've created a bot that lets you ask it things if you mention it instead of having to go to ChatGPT on OpenAI.
Sometimes he responds very quickly.

🔟And finally, one of the ones that we find most useful. Integrate #ChatGPT into Google Docs or Microsoft Word:

⭐️Bonus: Automate the use of #ChatGPT with #Zapier.
If you know how to connect Zapier, send a prompt to #GPT3 or generate an image with Dall-e when the trigger you configure is activated.

And this is today. It is heard that a version of catal gtp chat. We'll see what comes out in the coming weeks...

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