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Mobile Marketing: what will be the trends in the coming times


We have all known for a long time that the use of mobile phones is something that is a trend and that leads us to think very carefully about all the marketing and application strategies for our website and online store. That is why what is called Mobile Marketing combines some of the most important bets related to all of this.

Mobile Marketing Trends

Among the trends that you will see applied in the near future, the following stand out:


  • Pattern identification: Through an application that aims to identify user patterns, what will happen is that when they go to make a purchase, other types of products that might interest them can be suggested and thus expand sales.





  • Chatbots: It is a type of artificial intelligence software that simulates an almost human conversation. It is an ideal application for customer service that is already being seen on many websites but will also begin to be applied in mobile technology or online store applications. In this way, the customer can have an answer automatically to resolve all their questions and complete their purchase.





  • Speech recognition: It is surely the section that has the greatest expansion and most interesting when it comes to Mobile First or, in other words, the trends in using mobile phones to make purchases. Nowadays there are voice assistants such as Siri or Bixby. Now all searches must be optimized so that the user leaves the keyboard aside and focuses on placing orders through their voice. It is estimated that by 2020 this will be possible and that all searches carried out will be by voice.


For all this, we must adapt little by little to these circumstances in order to obtain the greatest benefits. An example is being able to create ads that are adapted and focused on the user experience, which is a real quality experience. Nor should we forget to be able to measure the interactions generated and thus improve day by day so that our online store has more sales through the use of mobile phones.





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