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What is the layout of a web page


When we talk about layout of a website we are referring to the fact of distributing all the elements on our website in a clear and precise way.

Generally, when we work with a professional web designer or a web company, the client arrives with an idea about what they would like to have on their website, or sometimes they arrive without any ideas.

But once all the information is obtained about what the client needs and at least the sections they want to appear on their website, it is time to make a first sketch of the layout.

Elements such as texts, images, videos, menus and all those things that the client wants to see on their website appear in the layout.

If your web designer is one of the creative types who needs pencil and paper, he will make a layout on a sheet similar to the photograph in this post so that you can get an idea of ​​how each of the elements will be positioned within the website, so that That way you can comment if you want to change something, etc.

However today there are different professional tools for web designers that allow the layout of a web page to be shown in a more dynamic and visual way through mockups or similar.

All this may seem simple, but it is really the basis on which you will work later to put everything in its place and thus be able to have everything perfectly organized.

For example: if you are one of those who are going to place videos on your website. Are they going to appear at home plate? How important are they? Do they have to appear before any other title?

Where is the menu going to be placed? On top or on the side?

All these things are part of the layout of a web page.

Sometimes a client arrives with a very predetermined idea of ​​everything they want and even with a reference, which makes everything much simpler, but if you have no idea about it, don't worry because that's what the professionals are for. web design that will provide you with everything you need to get your desired website.

Do you need to update your website?

Do you need any of our web design services? In IndianWebs We have extensive experience, and a team of programmers and web designers in different specialties, we are capable of offering a wide range of services in the creation of custom web pages. Whatever your project is, we will tackle it.