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SEO Monitor: a tool to monitor position on Google

Elizabeth De Leon

Among the numerous existing tools that accompany the professional journey of many SEOs, SEO Monitor stands out, a truly useful and effective tool.

What are SERP monitoring tools?

The tools to monitor the SERPs, or organic results within a particular search engine, are useful for professionals to understand the progress of the website being optimized and understand fluctuations due to algorithm updates or new filters.

That said, we know that organic results and ranking depend on several factors and even the SERP shown to the end user may be different based on some parameters, such as:

  • Search IP
  • GooglePlus authenticated user
  • Geolocated searches
  • Universal search
  • Google Hummingbird
  • etc ...

Consequently, these parameters can give a variation (even if minimal) of the SERPs displayed on a specific keyword.

In this scenario, SERP tracking tools come into play, which, based on certain keywords, give the average position of the site in that search engine.

SEO Monitor and keyword research

SEOMonitor  is a web tool to monitor a website's presence in organic search results. But not only.

First of all, you can register and try the tool for free: to take full advantage of its potential, you need to connect everything to Google Search Console and Google Analytics.

Once this procedure is completed, we have everything necessary to analyze our website but also that of our competitors.

We can, for example, see how many visits or conversions a certain keyword generates:

It is possible to monitor the positioning of certain keywords:

Unlike other tools, SEO monitor It also finds keywords from your website URL and suggests some keywords to use in your online marketing campaigns.

Among the various functions, the analysis and comparison with competing sites and the analysis of online mentions are very interesting.

In short, a really useful and complete tool that I recommend you try to keep the online visibility of your website under control in 360°.

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