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Category: News>Applications

Google permite localizar tu smartphone

Si tienes un smartphone Android y no sabes dónde está, entra en Google para encontrarlo. Así lo ha anunciado Google tras presentar un nuevo servicio llamado ""Find My Phone"". De esta forma cuando una persona pierda su teléfono móvil y quiera saber si lo tiene por algún...

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Free video calls on Whatsapp?

For just over a month, on Android devices, through WhatsApp, you can call for free. It is not yet available on iOS but they assure that it will be sooner rather than later. With this advance, the leader in instant messaging manages to match...

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Tidal arrives to stand up to Spotify

Is the music industry in crisis? Yes. Who would be able to solve the business model to reverse the situation? Jay Z, Madonna, Rihanna, Beyoncé and Alicia Keys, for example. So it has been, these prestigious artists from around the world were summoned...

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Whatsapp cerca de dar el salto a la Web

Aunque seas líder en un sector, debes trabajar día a día e incorporar innovaciones continuamente. Whatsapp ocupa la primera posición de las aplicaciones de mensajería pero ha sido juzgada, en varias ocasiones, por su inmovilismo a la hora de incorporar nuevas características o herramientas...

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The Road Map of programming a smartphone application

The design of an App is a very complex and long process since you not only have to know how to program and design but it is the sum of many factors and facets. It is also very important to know in depth the devices on the market and think about the final target, the user.

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