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How virtual reality is bringing business transformation

Elizabeth De Leon

Virtual Reality (VR) is not today's phenomenon. It's been around for a while. However, its use was limited to the entertainment industry for a long time. Gradually, it is embracing other verticals and driving transformation.

Today, we will look at how virtual reality can drive transformation across cross-business verticals.

Use of virtual reality in companies in the modern era

Retail sale

Over time, more and more companies are putting their stores online. Now, the competition is not between which businesses have an online presence because many of them already do. Competition is determined by which company offers a better user experience.

Virtual reality can make a difference here. People are always skeptical about buying something from an online store. By introducing virtual reality, e-stores can offer a "realistic" presentation of products. Instead of simply looking at images and reading product descriptions, customers can try out 3D models of products before placing an order. This will eradicate confusion and encourage people to buy.

Now, integrating virtual reality into a website is no joke. It is essential to hire professional e-commerce website development services and equip your e-store with the latest technology.

Check out this blog on implementing augmented reality on eCommerce website.


Virtual reality came to the forefront with the entertainment industry, especially gaming. As 2021 draws to a close, virtual reality has come a long way and the gaming industry is here to reflect its full potential.

This technology will place players within the playing area. Whether it is a fun sport or an adventure game, players can enjoy real thrills from the comfort of their homes.

Again, companies that own an arcade can invest in virtual reality equipment. You will attract more customers and improve revenue.

Escape room games can take great advantage of virtual reality technology. You don't need to invest in building a real escape room, as a VR headset can turn a drawing room into an escape room. Imagine how much money you can save.

Travel industry

The pandemic has deeply affected this industry. The travel and tourism sector is making extra efforts to return to its previous form. Virtual reality can be useful here.

Companies belonging to the travel industry can offer an immersive location experience to web users. This is even more attractive than 360-degree videos and images, as people feel themselves exploring the locations for themselves.

For example, a user can learn about a museum by reading the description and reviewing the images. With a VR-enabled virtual tour, he/she can enter the museum using a VR headset.

This is proving valuable to older or specially abled people who may not visit a location themselves. Thanks to virtual reality, they can enjoy all the fun of traveling.

Health care

The healthcare sector can take full advantage of the potential of virtual reality. Virtual reality applications are already in use for cases such as helping patients recognize their appropriate symptoms, allowing surgeons to get a view of patients' bodies without excessive incisions, etc.

Additionally, medical students can access operating rooms remotely. This is contributing to patient care and improving consultation options. A study by Data Science Central finds that the use of virtual reality in healthcare has boosted GDP by $350.9 billion and the growth will only increase in the coming days.

Exploring the full potential of virtual reality will lead to reducing invasive procedures and patient problems, while shortening recovery times.


The scope of e-learning has been widely explored during the pandemic. As remote education continues to become a new normal and many educational institutions look to obtain a learning management system, virtual reality is opening a new horizon.

Thanks to virtual reality, practical training can be provided to students. For example, medical students can practice surgery on a 3D human replica, engineering students can learn construction on a 3D construction model, etc. As a result, they can learn from their mistakes and thus hone their skills.

Read this blog to discover how a strong learning management system can improve the learning experience.


We save the best for last. The use of virtual reality is best implemented in marketing. You will offer an engaging user experience and entice them to convert. Therefore, investing in VR-enabled digital marketing services can have a huge impact on businesses' conversion rate and revenue.

Virtual reality marketing allows companies to bridge the gap between experience and action. Virtual reality changes the dynamic between brands and consumers. Furthermore, in addition to promoting existing products, you can use virtual reality to obtain customer feedback and direct them to improve your strategies.

As you can see, virtual reality covers a wide range of business verticals. If you have not yet adopted this technology, it is time you do so to drive differentiation in the market. We hope our blog has helped you understand how to take advantage of virtual reality. Feel free to share your thoughts with us.

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