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Customer loyalty


Two of the most important issues for the success of a company and/or commercial network are loyal customers and strong value propositions. These, in addition, are totally interconnected, since empirical evidence indicates that the appropriate combination of both is the best way to build customer loyalty.

But so companies want loyal customers? The answers are simple, and one of them is flexibility. According to studies by Frederick Reichheld, a consultant at Bain & Co., increases of 5% with customer loyalty can be converted into increases in profits for companies between 25% and 100%. Furthermore, companies with a large number of loyal customers can more than double the growth of their direct competitors.

Another answer to the reason for the objective of loyal customers would be the commercial argument, it is a data that is handled in many sectors, It is up to 5 times cheaper to retain an existing customer in the company than to get a new one. and this has an impact on commercial efficiency.

Statistics confirm that the probability of selling to an active customer is between 60% and 70%, compared to percentages of between 20% and 40% for "lost" or "ex-customers" and only between 5 % and 20% for new customers.

We can begin to notice customer loyalty when customers, in addition to having them active within the company, recommend us or make comments. favorable towards us in sector forums, among friends and/or on social networks. It is clear that beyond these comments, when the client rejects other offers from the competition or even a lower budget, then we can say that we already have a loyal client.

Now, however, it will be necessary not to stop serving him correctly.

Traditionally, the Sales Department has always considered that loyalty involved a good personal relationship but today, at a time when customers face very demanding environments, Personal relationships are not the only thing that the customer looks for to remain loyal to a company.

How do we do it then?The answer is easy, customers stay because we give them good service. It is not about building loyalty in a transactional way or in a negotiation, in which the variables of price and personal relationship can provide advantages, but rather about build daily loyalty and once we are able to solve customer problems every day, we will be able to achieve their loyalty.

The idea of ​​solving the client's problems, of constantly providing good service, is summarized in the concept of offering you value, which as you remember, at the beginning of the article I have already commented that their combination is the good result.


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