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The blog in an online store


Among the many positioning techniques that exist, it is necessary to take into account that for some of them to work, it is necessary to be much more constant than with others. This is the case, for example, of the blog in an online store, which must be kept up to date for the SEO application to work correctly.

For many people, having a blog in an online store doesn't make much sense, but do you really know all the benefits it can give you? Having a blog in your online store will help you redirect visits and ensure positioning is done correctly.

How to run a blog in an online store

The first thing to do is to be very clear about the keyword that is going to be used in the article that is going to be written. It is always best to use keywords that have to do with the items we are working on and dealing with in the online store because that way it will help us get more visits.

Once you have all that, you have to keep in mind that you have to start generating quality content, that is, content that is 100% original and that, in addition to that, is a special written content, adding the keywords properly so that it can be positioned correctly.

The number of articles to publish on a blog in an online store is very varied and depends a lot on what we want to achieve, but the average should not be lowered to one or two posts a week, although if more is possible, much better, But you should never lower the quality of what you publish, otherwise Google could penalize us.

As for the extension, the minimum would be a few 400 words, from there on.

It is always good to accompany publications with other types of elements such as photographs, videos or even illustrations or infographics. The more personalized this content is, the better.

Always think about what your target audience would like to read and from there work on it so that it is as appropriate as possible and so that you can generate traffic thanks to the blog in an online store.

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