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Influencer Marketing, a social strategy

Elizabeth De Leon
Although it is already a consolidated technique in the world of digital marketing, many people wonder what influencer marketing is and how it can help a company achieve success.

Influencers today are part of the social and web ecosystem, and their use in marketing strategies is increasing.

Learn more about this phenomenon with us to implement it in your digital strategy: let's start with the basics.

What is an influencer?

Influencers are people who create content on the web or social platforms. They are able to communicate with a specific audience and generate actions or even a desire. Therefore, they have the ability to condition or influence (hence the name) the opinions, choices, tastes and behaviors of their followers.

I am creators who, thanks to a strong audience building strategy, have been able to reach hundreds of people, positioning themselves in the imagination of users as an authoritative and trustworthy voice.

What is influencer marketing?

It is a strategy that is extremely present on social platforms and its main objectives are the growth of leads and conversions.

Influencer Marketing consists of involving influential people on the web in advertising and promotional campaigns.

It is a communication tool that exploits the well-established phenomenon that consumers prefer to base their purchasing decisions on the opinions of people they already know and trust, even if it is all mediated by a screen.

That said, let's take action and see specifically what you can do for your business.

How to create a winning social strategy with influencer marketing?

In addition to knowing what influencer marketing is, it is even more essential to know the steps necessary to create a winning social strategy.

1. Set the objective of your campaign

As with any smart marketing plan, start by outlining your goals.

Define the action plan well, to create a coherent strategy based on the results you would like to achieve to achieve success.

Here are several goals to consider for your influencer marketing strategy:

  • Brand awareness: to make you known
  • Building a brand identity: to make your values ​​and personality known
  • Audience creation: to build an audience and get more people to follow you
  • Commitment: to get more interactions
  • Lead generation: so that more people subscribe to your offers
  • Sales : to increase purchases
  • Customer loyalty: maintain a constant link with clients
  • Link building: to get more links leading to your site

2. Choose a suitable influencer campaign

Once you've set your goals, it's time to choose the type of campaign that fits your social strategy.

Here are some types of marketing strategies that you can adopt with your chosen person:

  • Gift products: give free products to influencers in exchange for a mention or review.
  • Sponsored content : Pay the influencer to include your product or brand in the content of their social channel or blog.
  • Collaboration: Collaborate with the influencer to create content that you can post on your social channels, website, and other platforms.
  • Contests and sweepstakes: launch a contest asking the influencer to share the event on their channels.
  • Discount codes : Give the influencer an exclusive discount code for your product or service that they can offer to their followers.
  • Brand Ambassador: Hire an influencer to become the spokesperson for your brand, establishing a long-term collaborative relationship.

3. Find the right influencer

Once you've defined the way, you need to define the "who," identifying someone who has a strong influence on your followers and who is able to communicate the right values ​​of your brand to them.

There are several categories of influencers that I can tailor to your marketing goals.

Here are different types of influencers:

  • bloggers
  • Social media stars
  • Industry experts
  • Celebrity
  • Artists

Once you've defined the category, you can begin your search to find the best fit for your brand.

 4. Measure your results

Measuring the data obtained is essential for any marketing strategy. Check how much influencer-created content has generated based on your objective: for example, a promotional campaign will require ROI calculation ( Return On Investment ) to measure the return on investment and indicate the profit obtained.

This will give you the ability to refine your next strategy to more easily achieve your future goals.

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